The Aboriginal Community Housing Industry Association (ACHIA) NSW is the peak body for Aboriginal Community Housing Providers in NSW
The purpose of ACHIA is to be the industry body for Aboriginal Community Housing Providers in NSW and, in doing so, to:
• promote the human rights of all Aboriginal people in NSW to decent, affordable and secure housing;
• promote the right of all Aboriginal people to self-determination, including the right to choose a culturally appropriate social landlord;
• develop and support public policy which promotes a more just housing system for Aboriginal people in NSW;
• in partnership with counterpart organisations across Australia, develop and promote policy at a national level for housing justice and self-determination for Aboriginal people;
• support the development of best practice in the provision of housing for Aboriginal people by encouraging networking and collaboration between Aboriginal Community Housing Providers; and
• support the provision of culturally appropriate housing by mainstream housing providers.
A new chapter for Aboriginal housing
The Aboriginal Community Housing Industry Association (ACHIA) NSW is the peak body for Aboriginal Community Housing Providers in NSW.
Visit the ACHIA NSW Website Here